Letra de Canción.com.mx

Letra de Fun With The Funk


La canción Fun With The Funk de A se califica como una fabulosa melodía con sonidos completamente compatibles a la delicadez de nuestros oídos y claramente fue hecha para triunfar en el ámbito musical, por tal motivo, te recomendamos escucharla.

+ Letras de A

Y dice...

One, two three
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Oooo ohhh
Yeah, yeah, yeah

If I threw a party would you be there
Would you bring your friends too
Cuz why should we stay at home
With something better to do

Let's started in the house
and move it to the street
C'mon and follow me

and have some fun with the funk
Turn up the bass and pop the trunk
This party's gonna pump
Bebop and body bump

Let's Have some fun with the funk
Turn up the bass and pop the trunk
This party's too short
So c'mon get on board
and have some fun

We all need a permanent vacation
From the things that get us down
So turn it up and turn it out
Cuz it can never get too loud

Let's take it from the street
And move it to the beach
there's sand beneath our feet

and have some fun with the funk
Turn up the bass and pop the trunk
This party's gonna pump
Bebop and body bump

Let's Have some fun with the funk
Turn up the bass and pop the trunk
This party's too short
So c'mon and get on board
and have some fun

There is no place i'd rather be
and it's no secret why
it would never mean as much to me
without you by my side

stop starring at the walls
All you girls and boys
It's time to make some noise

One, two, three
and have some fun with the funk
Turn up the bass and pop the trunk
This party's gonna pump
Bebop and body bump

Let's Have some fun with the funk
Turn up the bass and pop the trunk
This party's too short
So c'mon and get on board
and have some fun with the funk

Turn up the bass and pop the trunk
This party's gonna pump
Bebop and body bump

Let's Have some fun with the funk
Turn up the bass and pop the trunk
This party's too short
So c'mon and get on board
and have some fun with the funk


App para Descargar Música Gratis de la canción: Fun With The Funk de A.

Ya sea que estés buscando simplemente escuchar la canción: Fun With The Funk de A, aprender y practicar habilidades musicales, o crear tus propias melodías. Ten listos los audífonos, conecta las bocinas, súbele al volumen y disfruta de la canción: Fun With The Funk de A.

A continuación, consulta la lista de las mejores y más populares apps para escuchar música en tu celular. Crea tu lista de reproducción (playlist) de "A" o la canción de "Fun With The Funk". Además, disfruta de la transmisión directa o radio por internet a través de las aplicaciones de música disponibles para Android e iOS.

  • ✔ Google Play Music (gratis/suscripción)
  • ✔ Apple Music (suscripción)
  • ✔ YouTube Music (gratis/suscripción)
  • ✔ Spotify (gratis/suscripción)
  • ✔ Deezer (gratis/suscripción)
  • ✔ Shazam (gratis)
  • ✔ Amazon Music (gratis/suscripción)
  • ✔ Idagio (gratis/suscripción)
  • ✔ Audiomack (gratis/suscripción)
  • ✔ TuneIn Radio (gratis/suscripción)
  • ✔ Soundcloud (gratis)
  • ✔ Pandora (gratis/suscripción)
  • ✔ Tidal (gratis/suscripción)
  • ✔ Stingray Qello Concerts (gratis/suscripción)
  • ✔ Jango Radio (gratis)

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